Fort Buenaventura

Local nameFort Buenaventura
LocationOgden, Utah, United States

Fort Buenaventura, located in west Ogden, Utah, United States, was the first permanent Anglo settlement in the Great Basin. Built just east of the Weber River in 1846 by Miles Goodyear, the fort and its surrounding lands were purchased by Mormon settlers in 1847 and renamed Brownsville. Following flooding along the river in 1850, the fort was abandoned.

In 1980, Fort Buenaventura State Park was opened, which included a replica of the fort at its original location. In 2002, ownership of the park was transferred to Weber County, which now operates the fort and surrounding recreational facilities.

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Phone +1 801 745 2550

Coordinates 41°12'53.148" N -111°59'23.897" E

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