San Vivaldo Monastery, Montaione

Local nameConvento di San Vivaldo
LocationMontaione, Italy

San Vivaldo Monastery is a Roman Catholic convent, church, and sanctuary complex located outside of the town of Montaione, region of Tuscany, Italy. The eighteen distinct chapels on this hill, putatively corresponding to sites of the Holy Land, and containing vivid polychrome statuary groupings recalling events of the New Testament, specially the Passion of Jesus, are one of the few examples of the Sacri Monti complexes in Tuscany. Sacri Monti are more characteristic expressions of veneration in the Piedmont and Lombardy. The convent still houses the franciscan order.

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More information and contact


Address 1 Via San Vivaldo, San Vivaldo 50050, Italy

Coordinates 43°31'32.686" N 10°53'59.073" E

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