Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School

Local nameFather Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School
LocationEtobicoke, Toronto, Canada

Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School is a Catholic high school administered by the Toronto Catholic District School Board, formerly the Metropolitan Separate School Board in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, named after a Basilian father and founder of the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Henry Carr.

The school was founded in 1974 by the Basilian Fathers and the MSSB as a semi-private school, though the current school building was originally opened in 1966 as Humbergrove Secondary School by the Etobicoke Board of Education when the board merged into the Toronto District School Board in which the school property is leased to the MSSB/TCDSB since 1988. The Humbergrove school was renamed to Marian Academy in 1988 and closed in 2002, though Carr occupied the property since 2007.

Tags CatholicSchoolChristian
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More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_Henry_Carr_Catholic_Secondary_School

Official Website http://fatherhenrycarr.tcdsb.org/

Phone +1-416-393-5521

Coordinates 43°44'8.177" N -79°35'34.412" E

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