Hollywood Stunt Driver is a stunt show at Warner Bros. Movie World, which originally opened on 26 December 2008. A sequel to the show, titled Hollywood Stunt Driver 2 made its debut in February 2014.
The first revision of the show replaced the Police Academy Stunt Show and put guests in the middle of an action movie set on location in Italy where stunt drivers are shooting the scenes for the new upcoming movie directed by Morgan Ross, a hot shot movie producer. The show features gunshots, explosions and car chases. Some of the features of the show include a police car split in half and a race car airborne. The show cost A$10 million to build and has an audience capacity of 2000.The second revision will be run by Showtime FMX and feature motorcycle and car stunts.
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Stunt_Driver
Official Website https://movieworld.com.au/attractions/hollywood-stunt-driver-2
Address (Unnamed Road), Gold Coast 4210, Australia
Coordinates -27°54'25.019" N 153°18'39.47" E