Katherine Emery Estate

Local nameKatherine Emery Estate
LocationSan Marino, California, United States

The Katherine Emery Estate is a historic house located at 1155 Oak Grove Avenue in San Marino, California. It is named for prominent California resident Katherine Sinclair Emery, who commissioned its construction, and has no connection to 1940s Hollywood character actress Katherine Emery.

Prominent Southern California architect Myron Hunt designed the Tudor Revival house, which was completed in 1928. The house's design includes multiple gable ends and dormers adorned with carved bargeboards and half-timbering. Other characteristic Tudor Revival elements include the stucco walls, groups of casement windows, and steep roof. The interior of the house features a Tudor great hall with a staircase, tracery windows, and oak woodwork.

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Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Emery_Estate

Address 1155 Oak Grove Ave, San Marino, CA 91108, USA

Coordinates 34°7'30.781" N -118°7'38.046" E

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