New Haven Harbor

Local nameNew Haven Harbor
LocationNew Haven, Connecticut, United States

New Haven Harbor is an inlet on the north side of Long Island Sound in the state of Connecticut. Centered on the city of New Haven, the state's third largest, it was carved by the retreat of the glaciers during the last ice age approximately 13,000 years ago.

The New Haven neighborhoods of City Point, Long Wharf, The Annex, and East Shore lie on the northern and eastern sides, with the city of West Haven on the west. The Quinnipiac and Mill rivers converge and empty into the inlet on its north end, and the West River joins at the west.

A peninsula, once known as "Little Necke" but since as Lighthouse Point after the light constructed on its tip in 1805, protects the harbor from the west.

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More information and contact


Address 2 Sea St, New Haven 06519, United States

Coordinates 41°16'59.635" N -72°55'36.99" E

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