Palma Ceia Design District

Local namePalma Ceia Design District
LocationPalma Ceia, Tampa, Florida, United States

Palma Ceia is a neighborhood located southwest of downtown Tampa, Florida in South Tampa. It is bounded by Miguel Street West of MacDill Avenue and Neptune Street East of MacDill Avenue to the north; Bay to Bay Boulevard from Dale Mabry to Himes and El Prado between Himes and the Crosstown Expressway to the south; MacDill Avenue between Neptune and San Miguel, Dale Mabry Highway between San Miguel and Bay to Bay and Himes between Bay to Bay and El Prado to the west; and the Lee Roy Selmon Expressway to the east. The street names throughout Palma Ceia are of Cuban origin, coming from streets in the old section of Havana.

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Address 3115 W Bay To Bay Blvd, Tampa 33629, United States

Coordinates 27°55'11.827" N -82°29'42.04" E

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