Watervliet Shaker National Historic District

Local nameWatervliet Shaker National Historic District
LocationShakers, United States

Watervliet Shaker Historic District, in Colonie, New York, is the site of the first Shaker community. It was established in 1776. The primary Shaker community, the Mount Lebanon Shaker Society, was started a bit later. Watervliet's historic 1848 Shaker meetinghouse has been restored and is used for public events, such as concerts.

The founder of the Shakers, Mother Ann Lee, is buried here.It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973, and the listing was expanded later in the same year. Albany International Airport was constructed on the community's herb garden.

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More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watervliet_Shaker_Historic_District

Official website http://shakerheritage.org/home/

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ShakerHeritageSociety

More information http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/shaker/wat.htm

Email Shakerdirector@gmail.com

Phone +1 518 456 7890

Address 25 Meeting House Rd, Albany, NY 12211, USA

Coordinates 42°44'26.664" N -73°48'40.766" E

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