Juval Castle

Local nameSchloss Juval - Castel Juval
LocationJuval - Juvale, Italy

Juval Castle is a medieval castle located at the entrance of the Schnalstal, in the Vinschgau, above the village of Naturns in the comune of Kastelbell-Tschars at around 1000 meters above sea level, in South Tyrol, northern Italy. It derives its name from the Latin name of the mountain, Mons Jovis.

The oldest account of the castle dates to 1278, when it was owned by Hugo of Montalban. It was probably constructed about thirty years before the first account referencing it. In 1368, it was acquired by the lords of Starkenberg, and in 1540, it passed to Sinkmoser. The period from its construction to the mid 1500s was the castle's heyday.

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More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juval_Castle

Address Frazione Juvale, 39020, Italy

Coordinates 46°39'5.856" N 10°58'4.848" E

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