Perkins Observatory

Local namePerkins Observatory

Perkins Observatory is an astronomical observatory in Delaware, Ohio. It is owned and operated by Ohio Wesleyan University.

In 1931 it had the third largest telescope in the World; the 69 inch aperture Perkins telescope came online at this observatory. The mirror was the largest cast in the United States up to that time, and it was made by the United States National Bureau of Standards.In the 1930s this observatory also started periodic document release called The Telescope, featuring results from the telescope but grew to include other astronomical information.The University partnered with Ohio State University in 1935, to help run the big telescope and the agreement lasted for almost seven decades. In the 1960s the telescope was moved to Arizona, USA for better viewing conditions, and fitted with new larger mirror. Nevertheless, the Observatory continued to be a hub of astronomical activity in the region and for the University.

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More information and contact


Official Website

Address Delaware 43015, United States

Coordinates 40°15'4.254" N -83°3'19.695" E

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