The University of San Martin de Porres is a private nonprofit university located in the city of Lima, Peru. Founded by the Dominican Order of the Catholic Church in 1962, the university is one of the top five institutions in the country.Its headquarters are located at the campus of Santa Anita which houses the faculty of administrative sciences and human resources, the faculty of accounting, economic and financial sciences and the faculty of dentistry. The faculty of human medicine, faculty of engineering and architecture and the faculty of law is located in the district of La Molina. The faculty of communication sciences, tourism and psychology is located in the district of Surquillo.
The school of obstetrics and nursing is located in the Jesus Maria district, and a dental clinic owned by the university is located in the district of San Luis. The USMP has four language centers in the city of Lima, located in the districts of Jesus Maria, Santa Anita, San Isidro and Pueblo Libre.
Coordinates -12°2'39.971" N -76°58'3.062" E