Durov Animal Theater

Local nameУголок дедушки Дурова
LocationMeshchansky District, Moscow, Russia

The Durov Animal Theater or Grandpa Durov's Corner is a circus/theatre in Moscow, Russia. It was founded on January 8, 1912 by Vladimir Durov, who also founded the famous Durov's circus dynasty. Durov was a well-known animal trainer and zoologist who developed his own system of training, that did not involve any punishment of the animals. His theatre also included a natural history museum and a science laboratory.

The theatre building was designed in 1894 by the architect August Weber. The theatre is currently located in the same facility; the street had been renamed in Durov's honour in 1927.

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More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durov_Animal_Theater

Official Website http://www.ugolokdurova.ru/

Email secr@uddmos.ru

Phone +7 499 3919294

Coordinates 55°46'45.576" N 37°37'16.357" E

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