Kukenán, also known as Matawi or Cuquenán, is a tepui in Bolívar State, Guayana Region, Venezuela. It has an estimated surface area of 2185 hectares. It is 2,680 metres high and about 3 km long. Kukenan Falls, which is 674 m high, is located at the south end of the tepui.
Kukenán is located in Canaima National Park. Next to Kukenán, to the southeast, is Mount Roraima, a better known tepui. Kukenán is more difficult to climb, so it is ascended much less frequently than Mount Roraima.
Canaima National Park is also home to the highest waterfall in the world, which is located in Auyán Tepui.
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kukenán-tepui
Address Venezuela
Coordinates 5°12'15.179" N -60°50'27.195" E