Georges Colomb

Local nameLycée Georges Colomb
LocationLure, France

Marie-Louis-Georges Colomb was a French botanist, science populariser, and a pioneer of French comics, known as bandes dessinées .

Under the pseudonym Christophe, Colomb created comics that were popular among the French intelligentsia, yet were published in Le Petit Français illustré, a children's paper. His popular L'idée fixe du savant Cosinus featured a brilliant, absent-minded scientist. His other comics included La Famille Fenouillard; Le Sapeur Camember; Les Malices de Plick et Plock; and Le Baron de Cramoisy.

Colomb's works were comic sketches exploring the quirks of his title characters. Images to him were more vital than words in communicating with children. His frames have been said to anticipate the "visual grammar" of movies and television.Colomb retired as Deputy Director of the Sorbonne's botanical laboratory.

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Cover of the book Les… @ Christophe (Georges Colomb)

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Coordinates 47°41'18.442" N 6°29'52.314" E

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