The agricultural landscape of southern Öland is an area of more than 56,000 hectares located on the island of Öland, Sweden. It includes Stora alvaret, a limestone plateau of around half that surface. Stora alvaret is a dagger-shaped area almost 40 km long and about 10 km at its widest north end. This limestone plain, around a quarter of the surface of the island, is the most extended of its kind in Europe. As a result of the thin layer of soil and high pH levels, it presents a wide range of plants, including many rare species.
The agricultural landscape of southern Öland was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000, for the extraordinary biodiversity in this place, and its prehistory as well as the way how man has adapted to the natural conditions.
Coordinates 56°26'27.43" N 16°29'22.454" E