Salgó Castle

Local nameSalgó vára
LocationSalgótarján, Hungary

Salgó Castle is a Hungarian stronghold near Salgótarján, Nógrád county, 120 km from Budapest. Originally built as a tower by the Kacsics clan in the 13th century to withstand the Mongol invasions of the 13th century, it was later renovated into a fortress by King Béla IV. During the Hussite War, the fortress was captured in 1460 and captured again by the Ottoman army in the 16th century. Ownership of the castle eventually passed to Bálint Balassi and his family, one member of the family neglected the castle and left it in ruins. Today Salgó Castle is a well-known tourist spot. Salgó Castle is visible from the towers of nearby Šomoška Castle, across the border in Slovakia.

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More information and contact


Official Website

Address 3100, Hungary

Coordinates 48°8'40.834" N 19°50'49.464" E

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