Academy of San Carlos

Local nameAntigua Academia de San Carlos
LocationCuahutémoc, Mexico City

The Academy of San Carlos is an art academy that historically played an important role in the development of Mexican art and architecture. Founded in 1781 as the School of Engraving, it was the first major art school and the first art museum in the Americas.

The school was moved to the Academia Street location about 10 years after its founding and is located at 22 Academia Street, just northeast of the Zócalo of Mexico City. It emphasized the European classical tradition in training until the early 20th century, when it shifted to a more modern perspective.

Tags Art MuseumMuseumUniversity
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More information and contact


Address 21 Calle Academia, Ciudad de México 06060, Mexico

Coordinates 19°25'58.741" N -99°7'43.635" E

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