Ybor City is a historic neighborhood just northeast of downtown Tampa, Florida, United States. It was founded in the 1880s by Vicente Martinez-Ybor and other cigar manufacturers and populated by thousands of immigrants, mainly from Cuba, Spain, and Italy. For the next 50 years, workers in Ybor City's cigar factories rolled hundreds of millions of cigars annually.
Ybor City was unique in the American South as a successful town almost entirely populated and owned by immigrants. The neighborhood had features unusual among contemporary communities in the south, most notably its multiethnic and multiracial population and their many mutual aid societies. The cigar industry employed thousands of well-paid workers, helping Tampa grow from an economically depressed village to a bustling city in about 20 years and giving it the nickname "Cigar City".Ybor City grew and flourished from…
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ybor_City
Official website http://www.yborcityonline.com/
Phone +1 813 274 7936
Address 1911 N 13th St, Tampa 33605, United States
Coordinates 27°57'40.795" N -82°26'41.471" E