Oficiální název londýnského Toweru je Palác a pevnost Jeho Veličenstva, Tower of London, ačkoli posledním králem, který ho používal jako…
Tato loď je plnohodnotnou replikou galeona sira Františka Drakea, který v roce 1578 vedl výpravu na brazilské pobřeží, podporovanou…
Hrad Windsor je královská rezidence ve Windsoru v anglickém hrabství Berkshire, jen 30 kilometrů od Londýna.
Muzeum Londýna je muzeum zaměřené na historii Londýna od paleolitu do současnosti.
London Transport Museum je muzeum zaměřené na historii dopravy v Londýně.
The Museum of Liverpool in Liverpool, England, tells the story of Liverpool and its people, and reflects the city's global significance.
The Jorvik Viking Centre is a museum and visitor attraction in York, England, containing lifelike mannequins and life-size dioramas…
Visit this museum located in a former prison of the castle built by William the Conqueror and see its extensive collection.
The People's History Museum in Manchester, England, is the UK's national centre for the collection, conservation, interpretation and study…
The Richard III Experience at Monk Bar was located in Monk Bar, the tallest of the four gatehouses in the historical city walls of York,…
The Castle, Newcastle, or Newcastle Castle is a medieval fortification in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, built on the site of the fortress…
Colchester Castle is a Norman castle in Colchester, Essex, England, dating from the second half of the eleventh century.
Nottingham Castle is a Stuart Restoration-era ducal mansion in Nottingham, England, built on the site of a Norman castle built starting in…