Westminsterské opatství – oficiální označení Kolegiátní chrám svatého Petra ve Westminsteru je chrám Anglikánské církve ve stavebním tvaru…
The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is a parish church of the Church of England and former…
The Abbey of St Mary is a ruined Benedictine abbey in York, England and a scheduled monument.
Opatství sv. Augustina v Canterbury bylo benediktinské opatství.
Klášter Whitby je zřícenina křesťanského kláštera, jež vznikl roku 657 na severu Anglie, v Severním Yorkshiru, u městečka Whitby.
Lacock Abbey neboli Opatství Lacock v obci Lacock, Wiltshire v Anglii byl založen na počátku 13. století Elou - hraběnkou ze Salisbury jako…
Glastonbury Abbey was a monastery in Glastonbury, Somerset, England. Its ruins, a grade I listed building and scheduled ancient monument,…
Buckland Abbey is a Grade I listed 700-year-old house in Buckland Monachorum, near Yelverton, Devon, England, noted for its connection with…
Battle Abbey is a partially ruined Benedictine abbey in Battle, East Sussex, England.
Regulbium was the name of an ancient Roman fort of the Saxon Shore in the vicinity of the modern English resort of Reculver in Kent.
Rievaulx Abbey was a Cistercian abbey in Rievaulx, near Helmsley, in the North York Moors National Park, North Yorkshire, England.
Cleeve Abbey is a medieval monastery located near the village of Washford, in Somerset, England.
The Abbey of Bury St Edmunds was once among the richest Benedictine monasteries in England, until its dissolution in 1539.
Rufford Abbey is a country estate in Rufford, Nottinghamshire, England, two miles south of Ollerton.