Klášter Geghard je architektonicky unikátní klášter v Arménii. Klášter byl založen již ve 3. století, hlavní kaple však byla vystavěna až v…
Ečmiadzinská katedrála je sídelní chrám katolika Arménské apoštolské církve v arménském městě Vagaršapat.
"Modrá mešita" je mešita v Jerevanu, v Arménii. Byla postavena v 18. století, v době, kdy Jerevan a okolí patřily do afšárovské perské říše.
Katedrála svatého Řehoře Osvětitele, též Jerevanská katedrála, je největší katedrálou Arménské apoštolské církve.
Noravank je klášter z 12. století, jenž se nachází nedaleko arménského města Jeghegnadzor.
The Saint Gayane Church is a 7th-century Armenian church in Vagharshapat, the religious center of Armenia.
The Church of Shoghakat was erected in 1694 by Prince Aghamal Sorotetsi during the reign of Catholicos Nahabed I in the city of…
Sevanavank is a monastic complex located on a peninsula at the northwestern shore of Lake Sevan in the Gegharkunik Province of Armenia, not…
Architektonický komplex Haghpat leží v arménské provincii Lorri poblíž městečka Alaverdi, na pravém břehu řeky Dzoraget asi 10 km od hranic…
Chrám svaté Ripsime je chrám Arménské apoštolské církve ve městě Vagharšapat v Arménii.
Haghartsin is a 13th-century monastery located near the town of Dilijan in the Tavush Province of Armenia.
Matosavank is 13th-century small Armenian monastery, hidden in a forested area of Dilijan National Park 3 km northwest from the town of…
Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God, also known as the Our Lady of Seven Wounds, is a 19th-century church in Gyumri, Armenia.
Klášter Tatev je klášter arménské církve nedaleko obce Tatev v provincii Sjunik na jihu Arménie. Založen byl v 9. století.
Hayravank is a 9th to 12th century Armenian monastery located just northeast of the village of Hayravank along the southwest shores of Lake…
Nor Varagavank is a 13th-century Armenian Apostolic Church monastic ensemble situated 3.5 km southwest of the village Varagavan in the…
Haghartsin, also Hałarcin Monastery, is a 13th-century monastery located near the town of Dilijan in the Tavush Province of Armenia.
Odzun Church is an Armenian basilica constructed around the 5th–7th century in the Odzun village of the Lori Province of Armenia.
Hayravank is a 9th to 12th century Armenian monastery located just northeast of the village of Hayravank along the southwest shores of Lake…
Horomayr Monastery is a monastic complex in the Lori Province of Armenia.
Tsaghats Kar Monastery is an Armenian monastery located along the mountain foothills overlooking the Yeghegis River, between the villages…