The Catalina Casino is a large gathering facility located in Avalon on Santa Catalina Island, off the coast of Los Angeles in California.
Žumara nízká je jediný druh rodu žumara z čeledi arekovité, jinak nazývané palmy. Je to jediný původní druh palmy na evropském kontinentě.
Bokarnea tlustokmenná česky lidově sloní noha je druh rostlin z čeledi chřestovitých, původem z Mexika.
Lyonothamnus is a monotypic genus of trees in the rose family containing the single living species Lyonothamnus floribundus, which is known…
Lyonothamnus is a monotypic genus of trees in the rose family containing the single living species Lyonothamnus floribundus, which is known…
Aloiampelos ciliaris, formerly Aloe ciliaris, the common climbing-aloe, is a thin, tough, rapidly growing succulent plant from South Africa.