Hradby Ávily jsou úžasným příkladem zachovalé středověké pevnosti - dlouhé 2,5 km a skládající se ze dvou bran a 82 věží, je to nejlépe…
The Basílica de los Santos Hermanos Mártires, Vicente, Sabina y Cristeta, best known as Basílica de San Vicente, is a church in Ávila,…
Klášter svaté Terezy je barokní klášter ve španělské Ávile.
The Convento de San José is a monastery of Discalced Carmelite nuns in Ávila, Spain.
Real Monasterio de Santo Tomás is a monastery of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain in Gothic style in Ávila, Spain.
The Walls of Ávila in central Spain, completed between the 11th and 14th centuries, are the city of Ávila's principal historic feature.
Saint Teresa of Jesus Catholic University, commonly known as the Catholic University of Ávila, is a private, Catholic university, located…