Afrodisias, řecky Ἀφροδισιάς, bylo starořecké město v Anatolii, na historickém území Kárie.
Magnesia or Magnesia on the Maeander was an ancient Greek city in Ionia, considerable in size, at an important location commercially and…
Antické město Priéné se nachází v maloasijské Kárii na jižních svazích hory Mykalé.
Magnesia or Magnesia on the Maeander was an ancient Greek city in Ionia, considerable in size, at an important location commercially and…
Magnesia or Magnesia on the Maeander was an ancient Greek city in Ionia, considerable in size, at an important location commercially and…
Nysa on the Maeander was an ancient city and bishopric of Asia Minor, whose remains are in the Sultanhisar district of Aydın Province of…
Magnesia or Magnesia on the Maeander was an ancient Greek city in Ionia, considerable in size, at an important location commercially and…