Katedrála Panny Marie v Cáchách patří k nejvýznamnějším církevním stavbám v Německu.
Oblíbené turistické místo na hranici Německa, Belgie a Nizozemska. Zajímavé je, že místo je také nejvyšším bodem Nizozemska.
Gotická budova radnice města Cách je společně s katedrálou Panny Marie nejvýznamnější stavbou v historickém jádru německého města Cáchy.
A Neoclassical pavilion where you can find a fountain with healing thermal water accessible to the public. Why not taste it?
This is one of the few Gothic buildings which survived the great fire in 1656. It was named after the first known owner, Anna Löwenstein.
Umělecká díla, liturgické předměty, relikviáře a sbírka textilií - to vše lze vidět ve stálých a dočasných exponátech této pokladny.
Dine in the restaurant situated in this small, but cosy chateau. Have a dinner on the terrace overlooking the beautiful landscape.
This Catholic basilica is one of the few buildings built at that time in Neo-Romanesque style. The parish has several valuable art treasures.
The exact date when the church was built is not known. It is a Romanesque church with Gothic choir.
The modern church was built in 1930 and was first met with resistance of church authorities. The interior is realized in black and white.
This red brick Catholic church has a lot to offer. Especially noteworthy are the micro mosaics, the reliquary or the icons of Nicholas.
The Aachen Bismarck Tower is one of 173 still-standing towers and columns, which were constructed in the German Empire to commemorate the…
The church was damaged by fire several times. Inside you can see a stone altar held by two bronze parts symbolizing the tree of life.
Named after the patron of lightning, storms and fire, the church has many treasures.
The Uniklinikum Aachen, full German name Universitätsklinikum Aachen, formerly known as Neues Klinikum, is the university hospital of the…
The chapel was built to worship the engraved image of the Virgin Mary holding a child and standing in front of an oak tree.
RWTH Aachen University or Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen is a public research university located in Aachen, North…
The church serves as a cemetery church since 1802. During the Middle Ages, its tower was used as a watchtower.
St. Anthony's Chapel is located in Kornelimünster/Walheim, a district of the German city of Aachen.
A former guard tower and one of the oldest gastronomic facilities? This majestic building is both.
The Tivoli, colloquially known as the new Tivoli, is a football stadium in the Sportpark Soers in Aachen, Germany, that opened on 17 August…