Neapolský dóm, také Katedrála Nanebevzetí Panny Marie či Katedrála svatého Januaria je římskokatolická katedrála, hlavní kostel v Neapoli v…
Bazilika svatého Františka z Pauly je kostel v italském městě Neapol. Leží na západním okraji neapolského hlavního náměstí Piazza del…
Gesù Nuovo is the name of a church and a square in Naples, Italy. They are located just outside the western boundary of the historic center…
Katedrála svatého Ondřeje v Amalfi neboli Dóm v Amalfi je hlavním katolickým chrámem v Amalfi, katedrálou arcidiecéze Amalfi-Cava de …
San Domenico Maggiore is a Gothic, Roman Catholic church and monastery, founded by the friars of the Dominican Order, and located in the…
San Salvatore is a former monastery in Brescia, Lombardy, northern Italy, now turned into a museum.
Avellino Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Saint Modestinus in Avellino, Campania,…
Ariano Irpino Cathedral, sometimes Ariano Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Ariano Irpino, in the province of Avellino, Campania,…
The Sanctuary of the Virgin of Taburnus, also known as Sanctuary of Saint Mary of Mount Taburno, is a religious structure built at the end…
Sant'Angelo in Formis is an abbey in the municipality of Capua in southern Italy.
Benevento Cathedral is a church in Benevento, southern Italy. The cathedral is the seat of the Archbishops of Benevento.