Cloud Gate je nerezová skulptura od indicko-britského sochaře Anishe Kapoora nacházející se v Millenium parku v Chicagu.
Agora is an installation of 106 headless and armless iron sculptures at the south end of Grant Park in Chicago.
Flamingo, created by noted American artist Alexander Calder, is a 53-foot-tall stabile located in the Federal Plaza in front of the…
Dragon wall can't be missing in any larger Chinese city. Stop by to marvel at the amazing replica of the one in Beihai Park.
Fountain of Time, or simply Time, is a sculpture by Lorado Taft, measuring 126 feet 10 inches in length, situated at the western edge of…
The Chicago Picasso is an untitled monumental sculpture by Pablo Picasso in Daley Plaza in Chicago, Illinois.
Four Seasons is a 1974 mosaic by Marc Chagall that is located in Chase Tower Plaza in the Loop district of Chicago, Illinois.
Tato jedinečná kašna je umístěna na soukromém pozemku umělce a připomíná majitelům psů, aby vyzvedli odpad po svých domácích zvířatech…
Abraham Lincoln byl 16. prezident USA a první prezident z řad Republikánské strany. V době americké občanské války vedl severní státy.
A Signal of Peace is an 1890 bronze equestrian sculpture by Cyrus Edwin Dallin located in Lincoln Park, Chicago.
America's Courtyard: A Symbolic Integration of the Americas is an outdoor stone sculpture by husband and wife Brazilian artists Ary Perez…
Harry Christopher Caray was an American radio and television sportscaster.
Christopher Columbus is a bronze statue by sculptor Carlo Brioschi. The statue of Christopher Columbus was installed in Chicago's Grant Park…
José Rizal národní hrdina Filipín, byl básník a prozaik, jeden z prvních očních chirurgů v celé jihovýchodní Asii, národní buditel a…