The Zagreb Botanical Garden is a botanical garden located in downtown Zagreb, Croatia.
The Croatian State Archives are the national archives of Croatia located in its capital, Zagreb.
Chorvatské národní divadlo v Záhřebu, obecně známé pod zkratkou HNK Zagreb, je budova divadelní, operní a baletní scény v chorvatském městě…
The Well of Life is a sculpture by the Croatian sculptor and architect Ivan Meštrović installed in front of the Croatian National Theatre…
Archeologické muzeum v Záhřebu je muzeum v chorvatském hlavním městě Záhřebu.
The Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, Croatia, was established in 1880, by the initiative of the Arts Society and its former President…
The Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters is a fine art museum in Zagreb, Croatia exhibiting the collection donated to the city by Bishop…
Katedrála Proměnění Páně v Záhřebu je pravoslavný katedrální chrám v záhřebsko-lublaňské eparchii Srbské pravoslavné církve v Chorvatsku.
The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts is the national academy of Croatia.
Moderní galerie je umělecké muzeum v Záhřebu. Vzniklo kolem počátku 20. století z iniciativy soukromých mecenášů včetně biskupa Strossmayera…
The Academy of Dramatic Art is a Croatian drama school. Since its inception in 1896, the institution grew in prominence resulting in its…
The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography is Croatia's national lexicographical institution.
Zrinjevac je park v centrální části chorvatské metropole Záhřebu. Svůj název nese podle Nikoly Šubiće Zrinjského.
The Faculty of Architecture is one of the faculties of the University of Zagreb.
Church of Saint Blaise is a Catholic parish church located in the Lower Town of Zagreb, Croatia.
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
State's Attorney Office of the Republic of Croatia is an autonomous and independent judicial body empowered and duty-bound to instigate…