Burgruine Starhemberg was a castle in Lower Austria, Austria. Built in the 1140s, the castle fell into ruins by the late 19th century.
The Myra Falls are located in a ravine in the municipality of Muggendorf in the Austrian federal state of Lower Austria.
Burgruine Starhemberg was a castle in Lower Austria, Austria. Built in the 1140s, the castle fell into ruins by the late 19th century.
Burgruine Starhemberg is a castle in Lower Austria, Austria. Burgruine Starhemberg is 520 metres above sea level.
Winzendorf-Muthmannsdorf je obec v Rakúsku v spolkovej krajine Dolné Rakúsko v okrese Viedenské Nové Mesto-vidiek.
Reisalpe je nejvyšší hora Gutensteinských Alp. Leží mezi Lilienfeldem, Hohenbergem a Kleinzellem v okrese Lilienfeld ve spolkové zemi Dolní…
Klášter Lilienfeld je dosud činné cisterciácké opatství s kostelem Nanaebevzetí Panny Marie, ležící v Lilienfeldu v Dolním Rakousku, v…
Araburg je zřícenina hradu na Arabergu v jižní části Dolních Rakous, v okrese Lilienfeld.
Muckenkogel is a part of the Gutensteiner Alps in the Austrian province of Lower Austria.