Pevnost svatých apoštolů Petra a Pavla, nebo též Petropavlovská pevnost je pevnost v Petrohradu, nacházející se na Zaječím ostrově v ústí…
The Saint Petersburg Mosque, when opened in 1913, was the largest mosque in Europe outside Turkey.
Chrám Nejsvětější Trojice je pravoslavný chrám v Petrohradu. Nachází se na trojickém náměstí.
Palace Bridge, a road- and foot-traffic bascule bridge, spans the Neva River in Saint Petersburg between Palace Square and Vasilievsky…
Marble Palace is one of the first Neoclassical palaces in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Tauridský, respektive Tavridský palác je jedna z nejrozlehlejších staveb Petrohradu.
Leningrad Hero City Obelisk is a monument in the shape of an obelisk located in Vosstaniya Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia, which was…
The State Museum of Political History of Russia is a historical and political museum located in Saint Petersburg.
The Anichkov Palace, a former imperial palace in Saint Petersburg, stands at the intersection of Nevsky Avenue and the Fontanka River.
In many countries, kilometre zero or similar terms in other languages denote a particular location from which distances are traditionally…
Nabokov House is a house in Saint Petersburg with the modern street number of 47 Great Morskaya Street, 190000.
The Tolstoy House is the most well-known apartment building in St. Petersburg, located at 15-17 Rubinstein Street and 54 Fontanka Embankment.
Exchange Bridge is a bascule bridge in Saint Petersburg, opened in 1894.
The Annunciation Bridge is the first permanent bridge built across the Neva River in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Beloselsky Belozersky Palace is a Neo-Baroque palace at the intersection of the Fontanka River and Nevsky Prospekt in Saint Petersburg,…
Leonhard Paul Euler byl průkopnický švýcarský matematik a fyzik. Je po něm pojmenován měsíční kráter Euler.Euler je považován za nejlepšího…
Ivan Petrovič Pavlov byl ruský fyziolog, psycholog a lékař, který se zabýval studiem trávicích procesů a s nimi spojených reflexů.
Transfiguration Cathedral is an Eastern Orthodox cathedral. It is located on Transfiguration Square, just off Liteyny Prospekt near the…
Hotel Astoria is a five-star hotel in Saint Petersburg, Russia, that first opened in December 1912.
Michail Vasilijevič Lomonosov byl ruský polyhistor - chemik, fyzik, kromě toho také filozof a básník, historik, teoretik a experimentátor v…
Kamennoostrovsky Bridge spans the Little Nevka River and connects Aptekarsky Island with Kamenny Island in Saint Petersburg, Russia.