Radcliffe Camera je neoklasicistická budova vedeckej knižnice patriaca ku komplexu Oxfordskej univerzity z prvej polovice 18. storočia…
Bodleyova knihovna je hlavní studijní knihovnou Oxfordské univerzity. Patří k nejstarším knihovnám v Evropě a ve Velké Británii je druhá…
Trinity College je součástí Oxfordské univerzity. Nachází se v Oxfordu v ulici Broad Street.
The Church of St Martin is an ancient Church of England parish church in Canterbury, England, situated slightly beyond the city centre.
St Michael at the North Gate is a church in Cornmarket Street, at the junction with Ship Street, in central Oxford, England.
With its four floors and history since 1879, this is one of the largest bookstores in Europe. At least come and have a look!
Broome Park is a country house in Barham, within the City of Canterbury, Kent, England. It was built for Basil Dixwell between 1635 and 1638.