Ontarijská umělecká galerie, anglicky Art Gallery of Ontario, zkratkou AGO je muzeum umění v kanadském Torontu.
Kanadská národní galerie je galerie umění v kanadském městě Ottawa. Vznikla roku 1880, roku 1913 byla zákonem National Gallery Act…
Fonderie Darling is a contemporary art complex located in the Cité du Multimédia district of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The Ottawa Art Gallery is a municipal gallery in Ottawa, Ontario that opened in 1988 at Arts Court.
The Art Gallery of Windsor is a not-for-profit art institute in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia is a public provincial art museum based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
The Beaverbrook Art Gallery is a public art gallery in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
The Reach Gallery Museum is a public art gallery and museum located in Abbotsford, British Columbia.
The Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the campus of the University of…