Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, krátce Mariánský kostel, je hlavní farní kostel v Krakově a patří mezi symboly města.
Kostel svatého Františka z Assisi je jedním z kostelů v polském Krakově. Ke kostelu patří i přilehlý františkánský klášter.
The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is a Roman Catholic Polish Baroque church located at 54 Grodzka Street in the Old Town district of…
The Church of St. Anne is a Roman Catholic church located at 13 św.
Synagoga Remu je synagoga v krakovské čtvrti Kazimierz, jedna ze dvou tamních synagog.
Kostel sv. Floriána je jedním z kostelů v polském Krakově.
This chapel is a perfect getaway from the bustle of the city - 11th century building set in a beautiful, tranquil park.
The very first church built in the new Socialist town - the inhabitants had to fight for its construction. It's really unusual!
The Church of the Holy Virgin Mary of Lourdes is a Roman Catholic church in Kraków, Poland, dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes.
Mogiła Abbey is a Cistercian monastery in the Nowa Huta District of Kraków, Poland.
The Church of St. Casimir the Prince in Kraków, Poland – with the adjacent Franciscan monastery and the catacombs – is located at ul.
Mogiła Abbey is a Cistercian monastery in the Nowa Huta District of Kraków, Poland.