Kostel svaté Anny ve Vilniusu je chrámem vybudovaným ve stylu litevské gotiky. Je dominantou v komplexu budov kostela a kláštera bernardinů.
The Church of St. Catherine is a Roman Catholic church in Vilnius' Old Town.
Kostel sv. Petra a Pavla stojí na náměstí Jana Pavla II. ve Vilniusu, hlavním městě Litvy.
The church is currently undergoing a necessary renovation, but the impressive Rococo gate from 1761 is already reconstructed.
The Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit is a Russian Orthodox church in the Vilnius Old Town, capital of Lithuania, rebuilt 1749–1753 in the…
The Church of the Holy Trinity is a Roman Catholic church in Pikeliai, Lithuania. It is located close to Lithuania-Latvia border.
St. John the Baptist Church is a Roman Catholic church in Židikai, Lithuania.