KV62 je standardní egyptologické označení pro hrobku mladého faraóna Tutanchamona nacházející se v Údolí králů.
KV2 je egyptská hrobka ležící v Údolí králů mezi hrobkami KV1 a KV7. Byl v ní pochován faraon Ramesse IV. a obsahuje velké množství…
KV8 je staroegyptská královská hrobka nacházející se v malém postranním údolí v Údolí králů.
KV3 je egyptská hrobka ležící v Údolí králů mezi hrobkami KV1 a KV46. Byl v ní pravděpodobně pochován neidentifikovaný syn faraona Ramesse…
KV4 is a tomb in the Valley of the Kings. The tomb was initiated for the burial of Ramesses XI but it is likely that its construction was…
Hrobka KV35 je hrobka v Údolí králů v Egyptě. Byla objevena v březnu 1898 Victorem Loretem.
Tomb KV11 is the tomb of ancient Egyptian Ramesses III. Located in the main valley of the Valley of the Kings, the tomb was originally…
Tomb KV5 is a subterranean, rock-cut tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
Tomb KV7 in the Valley of the Kings was the final resting place of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II of the Nineteenth Dynasty.
Tomb KV57 is the royal tomb of Horemheb, the last pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty and is located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt.
Tomb KV14 is a joint tomb, used originally by Twosret and then reused and extended by Setnakhte.
Tomb KV18, located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, was intended for the burial of Pharaoh Ramesses X of the Twentieth Dynasty; however…
Tomb KV15, located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, was used for the burial of Pharaoh Seti II of the Nineteenth Dynasty.
Tomb KV42 is an ancient Egyptian tomb located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
Tomb KV21 is an ancient Egyptian tomb located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
Tomb KV36, located in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, was used for the burial of the noble Maiherpri from the Eighteenth Dynasty.
KV44 is an ancient Egyptian tomb located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt.
The Theban Tomb TT52 is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor.
KV1 nacházející se v egyptském Údolí králů sloužila jako pohřební hrobka faraona Ramesse VII.
Tomb WV22, in the Western arm of the Valley of the Kings, was used as the resting place of one of the rulers of Egypt's New Kingdom,…
Theban Tomb 69 is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Luxor.