Arménská katedrála, celým názvem Arménská katedrála Nanebevzetí Panny Marie ve Lvově, architektonická památka národního významu, je…
St. Nicholas's Church is the centerpiece of the Lviv Museum of Folk Architecture and Culture, better known as Shevchenkivskyi Hay.
The Basilian monastery and Greek Catholic church of St. Onuphrius in Lviv, Ukraine is located north of the Old Town, at the base of the…
The Church of the Transfiguration in Lviv, Ukraine is located in the city's Old Town, just north of the market square.
The Carmelite Church is a Ukrainian Greek Catholic parish church in Lviv.
One of the oldest buildings in Lviv that was actually built concurrently with the city. It was restored many times.