Krásně zrenovovaný výtah ve stylu art deco patří k hlavním památkám města.
Tradiční nákupní centrum a jedna z nejstarších svého druhu se nachází hned vedle výtahu Lacerda a čelí zálivu All Saints.
Opravdový mezník Salvadoru. Tento 22metrový maják byl postaven v 17. století, aby vyzařoval své signály předáváním lodí, aby jim pomohl…
The Church of Our Lord of Bonfim is the most famous of the Catholic churches of Salvador, in the State of Bahia, Brazil.
Nevládní organizace s cílem zachovat díla Jorge Amada a bahianského umění a literatury obecně.
Ilha dos Frades is an island in the Bay of All Saints. It is administered as part of the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia.
A beautiful sandy beach with beautiful surroundings, clean ocean water and much more. A must visit for anyone enjoying water.
A beautiful sandy beach well prepared for tourist visits is just a short ride away from Salvador. Do not miss out on this sandy experience!
An exposed beach that offers not just a place to swim at but also a fairly suitable environment for surfing and other water sports.
A beautiful lagoon and a park, its dark waters create stunning contrast with white sandy beaches. Also features a rare specimen of orchids.
A beach especially beloved by surfers, do make sure you come and test the tides at one of the many surfing schools located here.
Yet another of the many beautiful beaches in the area with loads of stalls offering tourists a nice stay.