Památník Diany, princezny z Walesu je památník věnovaný Dianě, první manželce prince Charlese.
Peter Pan pravděpodobně nepotřebuje mnoho úvodů. Tento bezostyšný chlapec je hrdinou pohádkové hry J.
Traffic Light Tree is a public sculpture in between Poplar and Blackwall, London, England, created by the French sculptor Pierre Vivant…
The Horses of Helios, also known as The Four Bronze Horses of Helios, is a bronze sculpture of four horses by Rudy Weller.
The Frieze of Parnassus is a large sculpted stone frieze encircling the podium, or base, of the Albert Memorial in London, England.
The World Turned Upside Down is a sculpture by the Turner Prize-winning artist Mark Wallinger, on Sheffield Street, London, within the…