Tapisérie z Bayeux je 52 cm široká a 68,38 m dlouhá vyšívaná tkanina, zobrazující události vedoucí k normanské invazi do Anglie v roce 1066…
Longues-sur-Mer byla obranná dělostřelecká baterie Wehrmachtu, která byla součástí německých pobřežních opevnění Atlantického valu.
The Mémorial de Caen is a museum and war memorial in Caen, Normandy, France commemorating World War II and the Battle for Caen.
Projděte si dům nejslavnějšího impresionistického malíře Clauda Moneta (známého např.
The Maisy Battery is a group of World War II artillery batteries constructed by the German Wehrmacht near the French village of Grandcamp…
The Juno Beach Centre is a museum located in Courseulles-sur-Mer in the Calvados region of Normandy, France.
The Château de Dieppe is a castle in the French town of Dieppe in the Seine-Maritime département.The castle was founded in 1188 by King…
Pegasus Bridge se nachází v severní Francii na Caenském kanálu ve městě Benouville, přibližně 3,5 kilometru ve vnitrozemí.
Claude Monet - slavný impresionistický malíř - často našel svou inspiraci v těchto zahradách u jeho domu v Giverny.
Everything there is to know about the Normandy invasion, you will get to know right here. A must-visit for military history fans.
The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen is an art museum in Rouen, in Normandy in north-western France.
Gustave Flaubert was born in this hospital, where his father served as director.
The Maritime, Fluvial and Harbour Museum of Rouen is a museum dedicated to the history of the port of Rouen, which is one of the greatest…
The Crisbecq Battery was a German World War II artillery battery constructed by the Todt Organization near the French village of Saint…
Visit this Neo-Gothic/Neo-Renaissance architectural jewel which houses a museum of religious art and also produces the famous Bénédictine…
Hambye abbey is a Benedictine medieval monastery located in the countryside of Normandy.
The Cité de la Mer is a maritime museum in Cherbourg, France.
The Musée d'art moderne André Malraux is a museum in Le Havre, France containing one of the nation's most extensive collections of…
Le Redoutable was the lead boat of her class of ballistic missile submarines in the French Marine nationale.
The Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Rouen is a museum in Rouen, northern France, founded in 1828 by Félix Archimède Pouchet.