Gandhi Smriti, formerly known as Birla House or Birla Bhavan, is a museum dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, situated on Tees January Road,…
Devoted to the late Prime Minister who was assassinated in 1984. An intriguing museum with lots of memorabilia to see.
The Prime Ministers' Museum and Library Society previously known as the Nehru Museum and Library Society is a museum and library in New…
Národní muzeum v Novém Dillí, také známé jako Národní muzeum Indie, je jedním z největších muzeí v Indii.
Národní galerie moderního umění je přední umělecká galerie spadající pod ministerstvo kultury Indie.
The British National Railway Museum is in York, England.
The Teen Murti Bhavan is a building and former residence in New Delhi.
The National Science Centre established in 1992, is a science museum in Delhi, India.
Military buffs will enjoy the unique collection of aircraft and memorabilia the most, but the museum is intriguing even for others.
Housed in a the post office, this philatelic museum is home to hundreds of stamps from India's history and exhibits on the postal system.