Propast Padirac je jeskynní systém v jižní části Francie u vesnice Padirac v regionu Okcitánie, objevený Edouardem-Alfredem Martelem v roce…
It is said that Bernadette had seen 18 apparitions of Virgin Mary here, and also have discovered a miraculous water spring in this cave.
The Cave of Niaux is located in the Niaux commune, Ariège département in southwestern France as part of a wider geological system that…
Pech Merle is a French hillside cave at Cabrerets, in the Lot département of the Occitania region, about 32 kilometres east of Cahors, by…
Tento majestátní přírodní zázrak byl objeven teprve nedávno. To je nyní populární turistickou atrakcí a také součástí seznamu přírodního…
Arago cave is a prehistoric site in the community of Tautavel, in the department of Pyrénées-Orientales.
The Cave of Aurignac is an archaeological site in the commune of Aurignac, Haute-Garonne department in southwestern France.
The Caves of Gargas in the Pyrenees region of France are known for their cave art from the Upper Paleolithic period - about 27,000 years…
Pech Merle is a French hillside cave at Cabrerets, in the Lot département of the Occitania region, about 32 kilometres east of Cahors, by…