This park is well worth the journey from the city centre, being recognised as a leading exhibition space for the modern sculpture.
The Lurgrotte karst cave is the largest cave in the Eastern Alps of Styria, Austria.
The Pilgrimage Church Maria Straßengel is a fourteenth century Gothic church located on a hill overlooking the market town of Judendorf…
Sekvojovec obrovský, zvaný též mamutí strom, je nejmohutnější strom na Zemi. Jedná se o jediný druh rodu sekvojovec.
Burgruine Pfannberg is a castle in Styria, Austria.
Burgruine Pfannberg is a castle in Styria, Austria.
Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG je německá společnost, která se zabývá výrobou tepelné techniky.