Europa park je největší zábavní park v Německu a druhý nejoblíbenější zábavní park v Evropě. Nachází se v Rustu v jihozápadním Německu.
The All Saints Waterfalls are located in the Black Forest on the territory of the town of Oppenau in the German state of Baden-Württemberg…
The Mummelsee is a 17-metre-deep lake at the western mountainside of the Hornisgrinde in the Northern Black Forest of Germany.
All Saints' Abbey was a Premonstratensian monastery near Oppenau in the Black Forest in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Ortenberg Castle is the main landmark of the Ortenau and is situated above the town of Ortenberg at the end of the Kinzig Valley between…
The Hornisgrinde, 1,164 m, is the highest mountain in the Northern Black Forest of Germany.
The Hornisgrinde, 1,164 m, is the highest mountain in the Northern Black Forest of Germany.
Kaštanovník je rod rostlin z čeledi bukovité. Jsou to opadavé stromy nebo řidčeji keře s jednoduchými střídavými listy.
Husen Castle is a ruined hill castle of the high medieval period in the valley of the Kinzig in the Black Forest.
Schauenburg Castle is a ruined hilltop castle located in Oberkirch, Germany, atop a 367-metre-high hill spur overlooking the Rench river…
Stolpersteine, česky též kameny zmizelých, doslova „kameny, o které je třeba klopýtnout“, jsou dlažební kostky s mosazným povrchem, vsazené…
Blue Fire is a launched roller coaster at Europa-Park. The coaster opened in 2009 as part of a new Iceland-themed expansion to Europa-Park.
Wodan Timbur Coaster is a wooden roller coaster, located in the Europa-Park in Rust, Baden-Württemberg. The coaster opened on March 31, 2012.
Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen, vévoda z Lauenburgu byl jeden z nejvýznamnějších politiků 19. století a budovatel…
Matthias Erzberger 20. září 1875 Buttenhausen ve Württembersku - 26. srpna 1921 poblíž Bad Griesbachu ve Schwarzwaldu) byl německý…
The School Sisters of St. Francis are an international religious congregation of Catholic Sisters, part of the Third Order of Saint Francis,…
The class IV h locomotives of the Grand Duchy of Baden State Railway were express locomotives with a 4-6-2 wheel arrangement.
Tupolev Tu-134 je sovětský dvoumotorový proudový úzkotrupý dopravní letoun vyráběný v letech 1966 až 1989.
The Ruhestein is a mountain pass between the Murg valley and the Acher valley in the Northern Black Forest.
The Karlsruher Grat is a mountain ridge approximately 400 m long, situated near Ottenhöfen in the Black Forest in Germany.
The Hornisgrinde, 1,164 m, is the highest mountain in the Northern Black Forest of Germany.