Kostel svatého Augustina v Manile je nejstarší stojící kostel na celých Filipínách.
Admire the architecture of the oldest Catholic basilica, established in the early 16th century. There is also a library open to the public.
The Minor Basilica of San Sebastian and Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, better known as San Sebastian Church or San…
Kostel svatého Tomáše z Villanovy je římskokatolický farní kostel ve městě Miagao, ležícím na jihozápadním pobřeží Indického oceánu ve…
The Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral, officially known as the Metropolitan Cathedral and Parish of St.
Binondo Church, formally known as the Minor Basilica and National Shrine of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz and also as Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary…
This solemn church has been serving as a place of prayer and solace for mothers-to-be for several centuries.
The St. Peter of Alcantara Parish Church, designated as the Diocesan Shrine of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Turumba, is a Roman Catholic…
Sadly, this church was damaged by an earthquake.