Zwinger je komplex barokních budov se zahradou ve Starém městě saských Drážďan.
Na tomto fascinujícím paláci najdete vrstvy na vrstvách různých architektonických stylů.
Lovecký zámek Moritzburg leží ve vesnici Moritzburg v Sasku, asi 14 km severozápadně od Drážďan.
Königstein je pevnost na stolové hoře Königstein nad stejnojmennou obcí na levém břehu Labe v zemském okrese Saské Švýcarsko-Východní…
The Albrechtsburg is a Late Gothic castle erected from 1471 till about 1495.
Colditz Castle is a Renaissance castle in the town of Colditz near Leipzig, Dresden and Chemnitz in the state of Saxony in Germany.
Kriebstein Castle is a castle in Kriebstein near the town of Waldheim in the German state of Saxony.
Hrad Altrathen je skalní hrad na skále nad městečkem Rathen v Saském Švýcarsku v Sasku.
Hohnštejn (německy Hohnstein je hrad ve stejnojmenné obci Hohnstein v Saském Švýcarsku ve svobodném státě Sasko.
Zámek Freudenstein, německy Schloss Freudenstein je renesančně upravený zámek v Sasku.
The hunting lodge of Augustusburg was built from 1568 to 1572 above the town of the same name on a hill called the Schellenberg on the…
Wildeck Castle or Wildeck Palace is an old hunting lodge in Zschopau in Saxony. It stands on a rocky spur above the River Zschopau.
Graditz is a village and a former municipality of 250 inhabitants in the Nordsachsen landkreis of Saxony.
Naundorf is a municipality in the district Nordsachsen, in Saxony, Germany.
Dahlen Castle is a castle built between 1744 and 1751 in the small town of Dahlen, located in Saxony, Germany.
Zabeltitz is a former municipality in the district of Meißen, in Saxony, Germany.
Hoheneck Women's Prison was a women's correctional facility in operation between 1862 and 2001 in Stollberg, Germany.
Schloss Muskau is a schloss in the Görlitz district in the state of Saxony, Germany.
Frohburg is a town in the Leipzig district, in Saxony, Germany. It is situated 11 km northeast of Altenburg, and 34 km southeast of Leipzig.
Purschenstein Castle in Neuhausen/Erzgeb. in East Germany was built in the late 12th century, around 1200, probably by Boresch I.