Mauzoleum prvního císaře dynastie Čchin ze 3. století př. n. l., známé také pod názvem Terakotová armáda, patří mezi největší a nejbohatší…
The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin dynasty.
The Stele Forest or Beilin Museum is a museum for steles and stone sculptures in Beilin District in Xi'an, Northwest China.
Velká mešita v Si-anu je nejstarší mešita ve vnitřní Číně, postavená roku 742 v Si-anu příchozími Araby za vlády císaře Süan-cunga.
The Drum Tower of Xi'an, located in the heart of Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province, Northwestern China, along with the Bell Tower is a…
Tang Paradise is a large theme park in the city of Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province, Northwest China.
The Bell Tower of Xi'an, built in 1384 during the early Ming Dynasty, is a symbol of the city of Xi'an and one of the grandest of its kind…
Chua-šan je jednou z Pěti velkých hor. Nachází se v Čínské lidové republice, v provincii Šen-si, přibližně 100 kilometrů východně od města…
The Yangling Mausoleum of Han is the mausoleum of Emperor Jing, the sixth emperor of the Western Han dynasty and his Empress Wang.
Chua-šan je jednou z Pěti velkých hor. Nachází se v Čínské lidové republice, v provincii Šen-si, přibližně 100 kilometrů východně od města…
Huaqing Pool, or the Huaqing Hot Springs, are a complex of hot springs located in an area characterized by mild weather and scenic views at…
Čínské pyramidy jsou starověká mauzolea, ve kterých se zřejmě nacházejí ostatky některých z nejstarších čínských císařů a jejich příbuzných.
The Qian Mausoleum is a Tang dynasty tomb site located in Qian County, Shaanxi province, China, and is 85 km northwest from Xi'an.
Famen Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Famen town, Fufeng County, 120 kilometers west of Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.
The Qianling Mausoleum is a Tang dynasty tomb site located in Qian County, Shaanxi province, China, and is 85 km northwest from Xi'an.
Northwest A&F University is a national public university located in Yangling District, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China.
Tongwancheng was the capital of the Xiongnu-led Hu Xia dynasty in northern China during the Sixteen Kingdoms period in the early 5th…
Mount Taibai is a mountain located on the border between Mei, Taibai and Zhouzhi counties in the south west of Shaanxi Province, China.
Shimao is a Neolithic site in Shenmu County, Shaanxi, China. The site is located in the northern part of the Loess Plateau, on the southern…
The Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is the alleged burial site of the legendary Yellow Emperor of China.
The Xiyue Temple is a Chinese Taoist temple located at the foot of the Mount Hua of the city of Huayin in the northwest of the Shaanxi…