Sanjūsangen-dō is a Buddhist temple of the Tendai sect in the Higashiyama district of Kyoto, Japan.
Krásný chrám s úžasnou atmosférou klidu a ticha. Chrám obklopuje nádherná mechová zahrada.
Hōnen-in is a Buddhist temple located in Sakyō-ku, Kyoto, western Japan.
Manshu-in, also known as the Manshuin Monzeki, is a Tendai temple located near the Shugakuin Imperial Villa at Sakyō-ku, Ichijo-ji,…
Shiramine Shrine is a Shinto Shrine in Kamigyō-ku, KyotoThe Shrine is dedicated to the veneration of the kami of Emperor Junnin and Emperor…
A Salvation Army corps is a local church organization and physical place of worship in The Salvation Army.
Miyake-Hachimangū is a Shinto shrine, in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan. The shrine is famous for worship to beneficial to children, such as baby…