Radcliffe Camera je neoklasicistická budova vedeckej knižnice patriaca ku komplexu Oxfordskej univerzity z prvej polovice 18. storočia…
Christ Church je jedna z největších kolejí Oxfordské univerzity v Anglii. Je také katedrálním kostelem oxfordské diecéze.
Bodleyova knihovna je hlavní studijní knihovnou Oxfordské univerzity. Patří k nejstarším knihovnám v Evropě a ve Velké Británii je druhá…
Hertford College, previously known as Magdalen Hall, is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in England.
New College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
Univerzita v Surrey je anglická vysoká škola ve městě Guildford, založena v roce 1891 jako Battersea Polytechnic Institute.
The National Film and Television School is a film, television and games school established in 1971 and based at Beaconsfield Studios in…
Henley Business School is a business school which is affiliated with the University of Reading.
Winchester School of Art is the art school of the University of Southampton, situated 10 miles north of Southampton in the city of…
The University of Sussex is a public research university located in Falmer, East Sussex, England.
Foxhill House is a Gothic revival style building on what is now the Whiteknights campus of the University of Reading at Earley, adjoining…