Přijďte se podívat na moderní repliku divadla, kde byly poprvé představeny některé Shakespearovy hry.
Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences je hala pro pořádání koncertů a jiných uměleckých aktivit věnovaná manželu královny Viktorie, princi…
The London Coliseum is a theatre in St Martin's Lane, Westminster, built as one of London's largest and most luxurious "family" variety…
Her Majesty's Theatre, Královské divadlo je divadlo na ulici Haymarket ve West Endu v londýnské čtvrti Westminster, založené v roce 1705…
The Royal Opera House je budova opery a baletu, která se nachází v Covent Garden, v centrálním Londýně.
Philharmonic Hall je koncertní síň v Liverpoolu. Původní budova byla otevřena v srpnu 1849 po tříleté výstavbě a zanikla po požáru v roce…
The Opera House in Quay Street, Manchester, England, is a 1,920-seater commercial touring theatre that plays host to touring musicals,…
The Lowry is a theatre and gallery complex at Salford Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester, England.
The Sharmanka Kinetic Gallery is a theatre of kinetic sculpture, in Glasgow, Scotland.
The Britannia Music Hall in Trongate, Glasgow, Scotland is one of the oldest remaining music halls in Britain.
The Grand Opera House is a theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, designed by the most prolific theatre architect of the period, Frank…
Belfast Waterfront is a multi-purpose conference and entertainment centre, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, designed by local architects' firm…
The Usher Hall is a concert hall in the West End of Edinburgh, Scotland.
The Theatre Royal is the oldest theatre in Glasgow and the longest running in Scotland.
The Tron Theatre is located in Glasgow, Scotland. The theatre was formerly known as the Tron Kirk.
Glyndebourne () is an English country house, the site of an opera house that, since 1934, has been the venue for the annual Glyndebourne…
The Marlowe Theatre is a 1,200-seat theatre in Canterbury named after playwright Christopher Marlowe, who was born and attended school in…
The Ulster Hall is a concert hall and grade A listed building in Belfast, Northern Ireland.