Tchaj-pej 101, původně známý jako Finanční centrum Tcha-pej, je postmoderní mrakodrap, který se nachází ve městě Tchaj-pej, hlavním městě…
Restaurace, která je známá svými vepřovými knedlíky. Někteří říkají, že bez ochutnávky knedlíků není vaše cesta do Taipei kompletní.
The National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine is a Martyrs Shrine in Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan, dedicated to the war dead of the…
Jezero Slunce a Měsíce je největší jezero ostrova Tchaj-wan. Má rozlohu necelých osmi čtverečních kilometrů, název dostalo podle svého tvaru…
Tchajpejské nádraží je hlavní nádraží Tchaj-peje a největší osobní nádraží na Tchaj-wanu.
The Red House Theater, often called Hong Lo Red Play House, Red Theater, Ximen Honglou or Ximen Red House in English, is a historic theater…
The Liouhe Night Market is a tourist night market in Sinsing District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The British Consulate at Takao is a former British consulate built in 1865 in Gushan District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village is an amusement park in Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan which has been in operation since…
The night market situated in the heart of Taichung has been attracting gourmets for over 40 years as it offers delicious food.
The New Taipei City Gold Museum, formerly known as the Gold Ecological Park, is a museum of the gold mining industry in Ruifang District,…
Eluanbi Lighthouse is a lighthouse located on Cape Eluanbi, the southernmost point of the main island of Taiwan, which separates Taiwan's…
The Mitsui Outlet Park Taichung Port is an outlet store in Wuqi District, Taichung, Taiwan.
The Taichung Folklore Park is a cultural center in Beitun District, Taichung, Taiwan.
The National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium is the most notable museum and research institution for marine biology in Taiwan, which…
The Pine Garden is a former Japanese military office in Hualien City, Hualien County, Taiwan.
The National Museum of Marine Science and Technology is a museum of marine science and marine technology in Zhongzheng District, Keelung,…
The National Taitung University is a national university in Taitung City, Taitung County, Taiwan.
State Temple of the Martial God, also called Tainan Sacrificial Rites Martial Temple or Grand Guandi Temple, is a temple located in Yongfu…
Hsinchu is a railway station in Hsinchu County, Taiwan served by Taiwan High Speed Rail. It opened for service in 2006.
Tchaj-tung je město v Čínské republice, leží v jihovýchodní části ostrova Tchaj-wan v Tchajtungské rovině na pobřeží Tichého oceánu.